Monday 16 August 2021

Rainbow Europe Map 2021

The Rainbow Map and Index are a benchmarking tool used since 2009 to illustrate the legal and policy situation of queer people in European countries. It ranks 49 European countries based on 71 criteria from the categories equality and non-discrimination, family, hate crime and hate speech, legal gender recognition and bodily integrity, civil society space, and asylum. While Malta occupies the number one spot on the Rainbow Europe Map for the sixth year in the row, Poland occupies the lowest ranking in the EU for the second year in a row (via).

According to a survey carried out by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 19% in Poland say that LGBTQ prejudice and intolerance dropped in the last five years (vs 40% across the EU-28) whereas 68% say that they have risen (vs 36% for the EU-28). Not really surprisingly, only 4% in Poland believe that their government combats prejudice and intolerance aginst LGBTQ people (vs 33% for the EU-28) (via).

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photograph (taken in Wroclav in 1982) via