Sunday 2 June 2024

The Pressure to be "Beach Body Ready"

According to a survey (n = 2,000) on the so-called beach body and the stressors accompanying it, conducted by Estrid last year, 49% of respondents were worried about being "beach body ready". Two-thirds (70%) of  so-called "millennials", 66% of "Gen-Z" and one third (30%) of people aged 55 and over were concerned about being "beach body ready".

The sample was asked what the main concerns were; here some answers: pressure to look and feel physically fit (52%), generally feeling "beach body ready" (49%), pressure to remove body hair (48%), enhancing the grooming regime (47%).

The reasons why people felt the need to remove body hair for the beach were: to feel cleaner (22%), feeling insecure when showing body hair (11%), increased confidence through shaving (11%), the feeling to be judged by others if they don't remove body hair (9%).

The most pressure was felt from friends (20%), peers of similar age (20%), social media (17%), and social media influencers (10%) (via). Enjoy your summer!

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photograph by Gary Winogrand via