Tuesday 21 September 2021

Eight Design Principles for De-Marginalising the Future

Consider the poor, and strive for a future where they have plenty. 
Remember those who mourn, and design a future that will alleviate their sorrow. 
Listen to those who are quiet, who doubt themselves, and whose voice is easily drowned out, as they have as much of a claim to the future as everyone else. 

Pay attention to those who advocate for social justice, and work toward creating a future that is responsive to them. 
Hold in high esteem those who are merciful, and design a merciful future for them. 
Remember those who can’t care for themselves, and build a future that cares for them. 
Elevate people who mend rifts and build bridges, and design a future that values their skills. 
Recognize those who are persecuted, and endeavor to create a future where they are not. (literally via)

photographs (Gelbes Herz by Haus-Rucker-Co) via and via


  1. Replies
    1. I know what you feel! :) Haus-Rucker-Co were supersmashing.

  2. What is going on, here? Hahaha!

    1. Whatever it is, don't stop!

    2. Haha, I'll keep it up as long as possible, dear!

    3. You're the Space Age kid, you really are.
